Saturday 28 April 2012

Almost back on board

Unfortunately I have not been very well for the last week and a half with a 5 day migraine followed by a mystery virus that has me feeling sick on and off throughout the day. Combine this with preparing to take on a new job at work and I have not had any chance to get on the computer at home. However, I did manage to drag myself out of bed today and go fabric shopping with Mum :-)

As a present for a significant birthday my wonderful parents are paying for Mum and I to go to a quilting retreat being organised by Berrima Patchwork in NSW later this year. We are very excited as you can imagine!

We will each do 2 x 2 day workshops while there. The first workshop we are both doing is 'Diamond Delight' by US quilter Carol Doak. The lady's at Carols of Midland were quite impressed that we were doing a workshop with Carol and were fantastic this morning in helping us choose fabrics. These are the fabrics I have picked for this workshop.

Quilt top

Backing fabric

The main patterned fabric for the top is absolutely gorgeous & Mum ended up buying some for her stash for a future project. It is a new range from French Dress which had just arrived in the shop. I'm sure it won't last long!

The other workshop I am doing is 'Opal Fever' by Australian quilter Sue Dennis. The picture for this looks absolutely stunning and I can't wait to do this workshop. Here are the fabrics I picked for this one.

Quilt top

Backing fabric

Mum's 2nd workshop is a bag with Leesa Chandler using her new 'Under the Australian Sun II' fabric range. You can check out photos of the projects on Berrima Patchwork's website here

Anyway, I am (hopefully) on the mend and will be able to get back to regular posting this week. Hope you all have a wonderful stitching week!



Anthea said...

Oh! My! Goodness! Those quilts are totally stunning! I hope you have a wonderful time at these workshops, your fabrics are beautiful. Pics required of course... & I hope you feel really well again, really soon... x

Quilt Kitty said...

Maybe it's the change in the weather Trace, I had a migraine Thursday & Friday too. I'm glad you are getting better. Your fabrics are gorgeous, especially the paisley. Wow, that is going to be a big but exciting 4 days. You picked some gorgeous quilts & love the bag mum picked. Very exciting! Tracee xx

Narelle said...

Sorry to hear you've been unwell.
Those gorgeous fabrics will certainly help in feeling better. The workshops sound wonderful ... enjoy your days!

Outback Craftaholic said...

They are stunning aren't they? I will definitely post pictures when we get back. Thanks for your well wishes. I am feeling a bit better again today so fingers crossed. Cheers, Tracy xx

Outback Craftaholic said...

Hi Trace, I sympathise! I hope you are feeling better now too. The picture doesn't do the paisley fabric justice I have to say. It caught our eye as soon as we walked into the shop and we just couldn't resist it. Mum is hoping to make the bag in the Australian colours (rather than with the black background) and I think it will look stunning too. Cheers, Trace xx

Outback Craftaholic said...

Thanks for your comments Narelle. I certainly wasn't feeling unwell while we were choosing the fabrics as I was totally engrossed in picking matching ones. Once we left the store it was a different matter :-) but I am on the mend now. We will enjoy the workshops, thanks. Cheers, Tracy xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Hope you are feeling better now. It just goes to show how tough we quilters are when we get out of our sick bed to buy fabrics. Enjoy your new fabrics and workshops.

Outback Craftaholic said...

Thanks Michelle. I certainly will enjoy them. Cheers, Tracy xx